#firstfridayfinds: To be found by us.

Today I’m linking up with Elizabeth at Words and Wonder for First Friday Finds. Be sure to visit her site to see the rest of the submissions, or to add your own! All you need is one verse and fifteen minutes. Here’s my August find:

“God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us.” – Acts 17:27

“…8…9…10! Ready or not, here I come!”

I uncover my eyes and quickly avert them from the little one hiding just a few steps away. She loves the game, but she’s not very good at it. She just can’t stand to be too far or too hidden.

She wants to be found by me.

Someone else wants to be found by me. Not just once for salvation – although He died to make that possible. But moment by moment.

He moves and acts in ways so that we might not only seek Him, but REACH OUT for Him. And not just reach out for Him, but FIND HIM.

What are you seeking today?

Peace? Rest? Purpose? Affirmation? Adventure?

What are you reaching for today?
An encourager? A peaceful refuge? A life-giver?

“He is not far from each one of us.”

Uncover your eyes. Reach out.

When your heart hears His whispers, reach out.

He whispers because He is near.

He WANTS to be found by you.


Click here and scroll down to see more of my #firstfridayfinds.

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